NaNoWriMo: An Inspirational Utopia, or a Devilishly Attractive Stress Party?!

There is a lot of buzz about this NaNoWriMo going around the blogging world. National November Writing Month is a pretty popular thing (like No-Shave November, but less gross), and I kinda wanted to chat about it with you.

I’m not a regular NaNoWriMo participant. Let me just make that clear. Writing an entire novel (50,000+ words) in 30 days is just too crazy for me to try right now. I really applaud and revere all the people who do sign up for this challenge, because their bravery is greater than a medieval knight’s. Like Cait from Paper Fury. She’s writing a novel about sushi and dragons and an EPIC heist. It will be gloriousssss.

But one question is always in my mind. Is NaNoWriMo really helpful? Does it make a difference? Or is it just an insane contest that will freak everyone out? Let us discuss this together.

I’m an extreme worrywart. I worry about everything and stress out needlessly at all hours of the day and night. And I know that there are tons of other people out there who feel the same way. #stressaddictsjoinforces


So, NaNoWriMo is really quite scary to me. It’s like a gigantic frost monster, out there in a foggy night, waiting for me to make a move. I’m not a huge writer, either, so… that doesn’t help. I prefer to write (mostly fanfiction, I’m not gonna lie) in small chunks, to be published in chapters on my blog and I absolutely love to brainstorm plot ideas and come up with story plans; but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, I am waaaaaay too much of a perfectionist. Which is why writing 2,000+ words a day, in a willy-nilly fashion, is horrifying.

Now, I’m all for coming out of your shell and trying new things. I’m not a very ‘bold’ person, but I like to stray out of my comfort zone every once in a while. But if I decided to do NaNoWriMo, would it really be helpful?

So here is a pro/con list, because lists are a blogger’s best friend:


♦ Bragging Rights: “Hey, I wrote an entire draft of a novel. What did you do this month?”

♦ YOU WROTE A NOVEL: That sense of accomplishment. Seriously, tho. How amazing would that be?

♦ It’s a Personal Challenge: If you’re a competitive person like me, then you have beat all the damn records. Hell yeah, you can write a book in one month! Let’s do this!

♦ Story Draft: Too much writer’s block? Get all that goopy stuff out, and come into December with a fresh new draft for a possible story.

♦ Excuses: You will literally have an excuse for everything. Can you take out the trash? No, you’re writing. Can you go to the club? No, you’re working on your novel. Who can stand up to that kind of sophistication?


♦ Insanity: You will most likely turn into a freaking lunatic because you’re writing insane amounts of words every day.

♦ Stress & Anxiety: Is my WIP going well? Are there plot holes? Am I on schedule? Am I making enough time for my writing?

♦ Dormant Competitiveness Flares: You may have thought you were a calm, chill person. But then you decided to write 2,500 words a day for 30 days. AND there was also a prize involved if you wrote the ‘best’ story.

♦ *Possible* Depression: That story wasn’t finished. You didn’t have enough damn time. And now you are lost in the darkness. *waves farewell*

In conclusion, I don’t really know what the answer is. It could go both ways. But all I know is that it scares the living sh*t out of me.


So, are you doing NaNoWriMo? If so, are you surviving? Can you relate to any of my fears? 


8 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo: An Inspirational Utopia, or a Devilishly Attractive Stress Party?!

  1. I really appreciate this discussion. I can definitely appreciate the stress it causes some people, but I find it really comforting that, to “win,” one must only write 1700 words a day (which may or may not be less daunting).

    I’m doing NaNoWriMo because it gets my butt in gear. It gets me writing, which is incredibly helpful because I don’t write as much as I personally feel I should. I’m hoping it will get me into a habit.

    But it really depends on the kind of writer you are. I know some people who really can’t handle it (usually they have better writing habits than I–or just different ones).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally get where you’re coming from! There’s loads of stress and stuff attached to this but I think in the end NaNoWriMo is (at least to me) a globally motivational event for all writers!
    I mean, sometimes I’ll get in the zone of writing and next thing you know, five chapters are done!
    I suppose it all depends on you as a person and how much you push yourself to achieve your goals! I know when I expect too much of myself that things get hard.
    Great post! Loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I totally think it depends on what kind of writer you are!! But writers should NOT have to feel pressured to do something like this if it isn’t the speed they work at, right?!? It can be good motivation if one needs motivating though. *nods* I love it because of the community part. XD I’m a very lone hermit sort of writer, but it’s epically fun to be chatting with everyone during November about WiPs and sharing snippets and just…gah. The camaraderie is FABULOUS. ❤
    (I also am a cheat and definitely don't worry about plot holes and perfection during NaNo! That comes in later drafts and edits for me *nods*)
    so yEAH! I think it depends on what kind of writer one is. And SQUEEEE. I’m glad you liked the sound of my story! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Lord, I cannot agree with you more and HOW DID I NOT ADD THAT TO ‘PROS’! You can share fab snippets and link up and all sorts of stuff! 🙂 Your snippets are the funniest, they honestly are my day’s highlight. Keep on rockin’!


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