top ten tuesday

EEEEP EEEEEP EEEEEEP! 2016 is almost here and we all know what that means: it’s release time. Finally, the books I have been waiting for shall be given to me, and I will soak in their glory and praise them endlessly!

…can you see why I might be a liiiiiiittle too excited? Releases are like crack for me.

*Please excuse the excessive gifs, I was just too happy to control my keyboard.*



Throne of Glass #5 by Sarah J. Maas (Fall)

Whyyy do we not have a title for this book yet? Why?! I’m lookin’ at you, Sarah. There are going to be so many plot developments and NEW SHIPS and epicness in this fifth installment of the Throne of Glass series, but there is a drawback: we’ll only have one more book left in the series!

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas (May 3rd)

Me veeeeery excited for this sequel too. I totally fell in love with this sexy fantasy trilogy when I read A Court of Thorns and Roses (read my full review here), and I can’t wait to find out what happens, because THAT CLIFFHANGER THO. *it still hurts*

Heartless by Marissa Meyer (Nov 8th)

Marissa Meyer is a sneaky little author. No warning at all, she just springs this epic new book based on Alice in Wonderland at us?! I was not prepared for that… but can I get a hellz yeah? Marissa is the QUEEN of retellings, so I’m sure she’s up to the job for this upcoming series.

Stars Above by Marissa Meyer (Feb 2nd)

I thought I would never recover from the blow of having to let The Lunar Chronicles go. Winter is a beautiful, heart-breaking finale, and my heart… my aching heart… IS SUPAH PUMPED FOR EXTRA STORIES! Woot woot!

To all my Sherlock fans… doesn’t this gif hit the spot?

The Last Star by Rick Yancey (May 24th)

The Fifth Wave was kickass, I’m sure The Infinite Sea will be fantastic, so The Last Star better blow my mind. Or better yet, blow my universe (get it, because… stars… I don’t know, is that offensive?).



The Crown by Kiera Cass (May 3rd)

Jesus, I don’t know why I can’t tear myself away from this series. The first one, The Selection, was fairly good. But then it just went SO FAR downhill from there. And I couldn’t stop reading the sequels! *Sigh*… at least it’ll be over now.

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard (Jan 5th)

The hype for this book. THE FRICKIN HYPE. It better live up to my expectations, because right now I’m envisioning a Sarah J. Maas-esque plotline with some Cassandra Clare-worthy characters and a splash of Rick Riordan-ish humor to mix things up, wrapping everything up with a sexily mysterious writing style. IS THIS TOO MUCH TO EXPECT? MAYBE. But Loki has told me that that’s okay.

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab (June 7th)

VICTORIA SCHWAB’S BACK with an epic monster-filled book of amazingness, and I am ready. I have nothing further to add because we need a moment of silence for how amazing this writer is. *bows head*

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab (Feb 23rd)

Ooooh, oooh, ooh, another sequel! A Darker Shade of Magic was brilliant and sharp and clever, and I need MOAR of this glorious world and these snarky characters. Captain Barbossa and I have had many chats about Kell and Lila, and it always boils down to us both screaming:

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater (Sep 3rd)

Maybe I cheated a little here. Maybe I’ve only read The Raven Boys, but I loved it so much that I had to include the fourth and LAST book in this quartet. Maybe I will read the other two books before this one comes out. MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE. *Cait, I’m sorry that I failed you and have not read more of this amazing series*


let's chat

Ahhh, let us squeal with excitement and dance around together! Are you excited for any of these books? Which releases are you looking forward to? Have you ever been dramatically gossiping with Barbossa? Because that guy will literally go down with his ships. *haha I am  a comedic genius*


    • Haha me too! I’ve heard The Infinite Sea wasn’t the greatest, but it probably will be amazing nonetheless. AND THE ACOTAR SEQUEL. Yes and double yes and I am screaming and waiting so badly. WHAT HAPPENED AT THE END?!?!?!

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Infinite Sea wan’t as good as the 5th wave but it’s still really good. THE TWISTS…. I just can’t
        And I am excited for ACOMAF but I don’t want my parents to know what it’s about. Hence my reading it on an ebook when I generally hate ebooks.


      • Yes! And considering my mom won’t let me read TFIOS supposedly because of the romance (no idea but most plausible guess) she would hate that I’d read something like that or Throne of Glass. But she doesn’t read the stuff I do or really care because I can use my own judgement so I’m good.


      • Well my mom won’t let me read it for some reason. I don’t really care because I’m not big on romance. I got spoiled for that and allegiant at the same time *shakes fist angrily at Pinterest*


  1. Ah, you included so many great books that I seem to have forgotten on my list! Especially Stars Above! Marissa Meyer is coming near me on her tour for that, so I’m super pumped for it to be published.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha I love your post! Okay so I am still working on Queen of Shadows slowly. I was ready to marathon read it in one or two days but it got delayed upon arrival and I had a moment to think of it. When I finish it…in which case I’m sure I’ll be emotionally wrecked as she does to us often, then I’ll have to wait a whole year, a whole 365 days for more. So I decided to read it slowly only a few chapters at a time to draw it out. So far it’s working but all I want is to marathon it. Also avoiding spoilers like a ninja! Anywho can’t wait! And it’s sad only 2 books left! But if its any indication the books keep getting larger… Also excited for ACoMaF as well. Basically I love Sarah she is the best!

    I love that you have two books each by three authors, clearly a fan! I can’t wait for these either. Basically I’m on point with your list and I’m reading (well listening) to Winter now and only at like 30% and it’s super intense and only at 30%!!! I know when it ends I will need more. On board as well for Truthwitch and Raven King! I have yet to read the 5th Wave or Selection series yet though plan to in 2016 so more the merrier already out and ready for me! Great list! Love the gifs
    My Top Ten


    • Oh my goodness, Eve, how are you taking QoS slowly?! I flew through that book in about two days, I was so excited to find out what would happen next. I’m also the WORST at keeping away from spoilers, so it’s best that I read releases in a frenzy before I get on Tumblr… 0.0 I just finished Winter today, and it only gets more intense, I promise you!


  3. I love the icon you used for TTT!
    The Raven King! I’m super excited for that one, too. I just read the first three in the last few weeks, actually, but I love The Raven King’s cover and I’m dying to find out how it all ends.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I absolutely can’t wait to finally hold Heartless in my hands – that book sounds SO EPIC, just like TLC were. I still can’t believe the series is over, so thank god for Stars Above – I hope it’ll help me let go of the series… if that’s even possible. Haha, I LOVED the first three novels in The Selection series, and actually thought the series developed – but The Heir was SO BAD and pointless that it’s not even funny. And Eadlyn is such a whiny brat, I have NO idea how can people actually like her. The Crown did make my list too, because I can’t give up on series easily lol. I so hope Truthwitch is as good as I’m expecting it to be after the huge hype it surrounds it. Also, you should CONTINUE RAVEN CYCLE ASAP, because that series keeps getting better and better. I wish for SO MANY things in the final novel.
    Wonderful list!
    My TTT


    • I am going to try so hard to continue The Raven Cycle quartet! But those books… you really need to slow down and chomp through them. STARS ABOVE, I’m excited for STARS ABOVE. *hehe did you see what i did there* Eadly is sooooo annoying, but maybe she’ll develop? I don’t know why I even care, but you better bet I’ll be reading The Crown!


  5. I am now excited about Truthwitch. I didn’t add it to my list this week, but I’ve seen it on so many lists this week that I now NEED it. Fantastic choices.


  6. I have heard Truthwitch lives up to its hype and I sure hope so. I’m looking forward to that one. Maggie Stiefvater isn’t an author I have read before, but I believe I have the first book in one of her series in my TBR pile to read. A Gathering of Shadows sure looks good. So many great books coming out. I wish I didn’t need sleep . . .

    I ended up going in a different direction today, listing instead my top favorite reads of the year. You all though are getting me really amped up about the new releases coming. 🙂


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