Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, although I don’t read it as often as some others. But today (hehe it’s Tuesday) I’m going to rattle off the top historical fiction/time travel books that I’ve been wanting to read.

I think this genre is one that’s going to *hopefully* be more explored in young adult fiction, because there’s just SO much room for exploration. The different time periods and cultures could inspire millions of amazing novels, and I just get so excited thinking about it. Hopefully, guys… hopefully.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

Alexandra Bracken is a well-loved author from her Darkest Minds trilogy, which I haven’t read yet (the shame is real), but this new release from her about a treasure hunt through time sounds amazing. Also, #thecoverloveisoverwhelming.

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Andieh

We all know this is based on A Thousand and One Nights, a few stories of which I actually did read a loooong-ass time ago. Starring a vengeful mistress and decietful prince, it sounds badass and sexy and maybe even creepy? A little?

The Diviners by Libba Bray

I don’t even know what time period this takes place in, but I saw it in the YA Historical Fiction list on Goodreads, and I’ve wanted to pick it up ever since I discovered anything about books ever. BUT I AM DAUNTED BY THE SIZE. MUCH PAGES.

A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis

So, I know. I know this book gets some fairly horrible reviews. I KNOW. But I still can’t resist this creepy, pyschotic-looking story set in an asylum. How can you not? I’ve been more into creepy young adult novels ever since reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, and anyways, all books deserve a chance.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

I AM THE MOST GINORMOUS FAN OF RUTA SEPETYS. Her book Between Shades of Grey was soooo sad and interesting and gripping and beautiful. So this new release by her about World War II can only be magical. YES.

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

A little-known fact about me: I have been a very big fan of Robin LaFevers ever since I was eight years old and read her middle-grade series, Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos. BUT – I had no frigging idea she also wrote a young adult novel about an assassin. I LOVE ASSASSINS. *and other sentences I’ve said* I MUST READ. AND IT’S HISTORICAL FICTION. OH. MY. GOD.

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I actually started reading this book waaaay back in… May of 2015? I couldn’t get into it, but I definitely want to come back, because a lot of people love this historical-fiction trilogy. There’s some sort of slave/owner love complex, and… more cool stuff? IDK

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

Dan Brown is Christine’s (@PolandBananasBOOKS) favorite adult-fiction author of ALL TIME, and I am so ashamed that I actually own this book and haven’t read it yet. It just sounds so amazing. A code that has always been hidden within the DaVinci paintings = #mustread.

The Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg

Again, here’s a book that I started, but couldn’t fall into. The fact that I started it on my vacation in Vermont was probably why it didn’t work for me, because I tend to have trouble reading when I’m distracted by road trips and hiking and relaxing. I know, it doesn’t make any sense, but… leave me alone. I’m weird.

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffeneger

JUST NOTHING BUT RAVING FOR THIS NOVEL. I have nothing further to say. I don’t even know the synopsis.

Have you read any of these books? Do you like these authors? Do you enjoy historical fiction? I’m so glad that I’ve finally gotten to appreciate my inner historian. #sohappy


  1. She is! In my opinion it’s bad it was one of my first. I’m mostly talking spoiler section. Hmm…. Cool. That’s how I would describe it. Definitely worth the read!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just picked up a copy of The Wrath & the Dawn, but I’m waiting for the sequel to come out before I read it. 🙂 Looking forward to Sal to the Sea as well. The Diviners is really awesome — don’t worry about the size, it goes fast! And The Time Traveler’s Wife is just one of my favorite books ever! But I’d say don’t bother with Da Vinci Code — such an over-hyped book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmmmm… I’ve heard reviews like that. But the thing is, it sparked SO many controversial issues and theories, that I just HAVE to pick it up and see what all the fuss was about! 😀


  3. The Time Traveler’s Wife is one of my favorite books ever! I love it so much. Passenger, The Diviners, and The Paper Magician are also on my TBR list. I’m hoping I get to them soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I want to read a lot of these too. I haven’t read the Darkest Minds trilogy yet either, so don’t feel too bad. There’s just so many books! Anyhow, great list! Thanks for visiting my TTT post! Happy reading!

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  5. Passenger was pretty good. Salt to the sea got added to my TBR by Maggie Steifvater because she wrote a raving review for Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
    And since I loved CNV so much And Maggie called it CNV’s successor I’m in! Definitely read CNV it is my favorite standalone (it’s a duology but it works as a standalone because companion novels) anyway my point is read CNV! I have a really bad review if you want to know more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do you mean really good review? Hehe, I’m confused. Anyhow, Maggie Stiefvater is the best, isn’t she?! It’s awesome that she ended up recommending those two books to you. If you had to describe Passenger in one word, what would you use? Because I’m wondering if I should read it… 😀

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      • Apparently before it didn’t reply so here goes. In my opinion it’s bad because of the amount of things in the spoiler section. I barely cover anything! Maggie is the best! Hmm…. Cool is how I would describe it.

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      • OOOOOOOOHHH. Sorry, I misread that. Hehe, 😀 I know how that can happen sometimes, you just word vomit all over the place with feelings, and then realize “waiiiiiit… this is all spoilery.” and you can only hope to the heavens that SOMEONE will have read the book and can rant with you in the comments. *le sigh* The struggle is real.

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