Can you believe that I haven’t done a monthly wrap-up since October? Yeah… I’m a lazy potato.

I’ve kicked off the new year with a month full of not posting f***ing anything. I really just didn’t sit down and write AT ALL. I think my brain was somehow time-lagged from last year, and it only just kicked in this week… seriously though, I have no idea what happened.

However, I have been drafting 3+ posts every day to make up for that, so let’s get through this sad little January wrap-up and roll into an active February. Hooray for feeling like you can do something!


1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares

This was a really sweet and poignant book that I finished in about 3 hours. I liked the characters, they each had an individual voice and unique stories. BUT HOW CAN THOSE PANTS FIT EVERYONE. LIKE COME ON.

2. Death Note; Vol. 1 by Tsugumi Obha

Eeep! This is my new favorite manga of all time. It’s so dark, intense, and well written. I don’t even know who to root for anymore, but I’m loving it.

3. Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor

Ahhhh… the end of an era. Goodbye, lovely trilogy of epicness. I shall miss you. I won’t say anything else because SPOILERS, but there is a review coming soon.

4. Matched by Ally Condie

Just no. It was boring and oh-so-bland and it took me almost an entire WEEK to get through. That never happens with books I like. The main character was predictable and uninteresting, the love triangle was pointless (one really unique, imaginative guy against the guy she’s known for her whole life and never fell in love with. um, wow that’s a hard decision?)

5. Othello by William Shakespeare

Another beauty by ol’ Will. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite… the plot was a bit too constricted for me to really fall in love with it. But Othello’s whole fall into insanity was EXCELLENT to read about.

6. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

Imagine that you always buy a certain kind of cake at the supermarket. It’s kind of meh, but you’re hooked on it and want to keep seeing if it’ll get better. Then one day, it comes with sprinkles. And strawberries. And gooey, delicious cream inside. That’s how it felt to read this fantastic, revamped book. JUST YES.

7.  Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

FAVORITE BOOK OF THE YEAR, PEOPLE, RIGHT HERE. I honestly feel a bit let down to have discovered it in January, but nevertheless: this book was perfect. Creepy, enthralling, heart-racing, and all the good adjectives. Check out my review to read more raving.

8. The Rose Society by Marie Lu

The sequel to The Young Elites is here! AND IT IS FRIGGING EPIC. JESUS. The darkness is overwhelming, the main character is now an antagonist (???!!!), and the politics are all screwed. The final book is going to blow my mind, I just know it.


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Top Post: Stalking Through My Goodreads TBR

Well… my stats this month were pretty low. PROBABLY BECAUSE I DIDN’T POST ANYTHING. #noshitsherlock

Based on what views I did get, everyone seems to like my Top Ten Tuesday posts the most. I like them a lot as well, so I’m glad my readers and I are on track. 😀


Did you start off the new year well? Or were you a sick, lazy little bookworm like me? How many books did you read? What were your favorites? TELL ME EVERYTHING. Also, any Death Note fans out there? Just started watching the anime, and hoooooly shit, it’s good.


  1. I AM LAZYYYYY TOOOOOOOOI. that Watson gif is totally adorable XD. I totally understand your feelings on Matched, it was so boooooring.. DEATH NOTE!! That is such a crazy manga xD ILUMINAEEEEE AND THE ROSE SOCIETY *FLAILS ENDLESSLY*
    you get a lot of comments a month! I think we get like 20? Maybe less :(… 71 is so many ^_^!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • AWWWWW thank you. Well, about 30-ish percent of those comments are my replies, but that still counts right? IDK, lol. AND I KNOW ABOUT WATSON. I was like, there’s gotta be an endless supply of martin freeman rolling his eyes. I was sooo right. 😀 DEATH NOTE DEATH NOTE IT IS MY FAVORITE THING OF EVER. Have you watched the anime show yet?! I have, and it’s epic! One of the best lip dubs i’ve ever watched!!


  2. I took off a bit of time to start January?! But it was a nice break for me, hehe, and now I’m back into posting. ;D I’m so glad you loved Illuminae! And my thoughts EXACTLY over Matched. Ugh. It was like eating a very plain, boring cracker. D:
    Hopefully February is better for you, Grace!

    Liked by 1 person

    • IKR ABOUT MATCHED. It was like when the first birthday or Christmas gift you opened were socks… #expectationsdashes How have so many people enjoyed that book!

      I think I’ll definitely have a nicer time during February, I’ve been drafting like crazy, so… here’s hoping! 😀


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