Whilst I’m randomly stalking browsing my library’s shelves, I love to obsessively add ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that looks interesting to my Goodreads TBR. How obsessively, you might ask? Well, judging by the 449 books on that shelf, I would guess extremely.

But it’s Tuesday, and we have a slightly boring *but nevertheless fine* prompt this week: what are the last ten books on your TBR? So let’s troll through my Goodreads shelves and rant about why we want to read books so much! And moaning about how we haven’t gotten to them yet, because trust me, that’s a given for these kind of posts.

Nights of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor: I finished the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. I was devastated. And suddenly, there is this novella?! About Zuzana and Mik’s relationship?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME *to be read in a Miranda Sings voice*?! I must read. Much happy. But that title tho… It is so perfect for Zuzana, I can’t even. #dyingfromcuteness

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld: Uglies was a really interesting and new kind of take on the dystopian genre, and I definitely want to continue this quartet. But the writing also had this quality of blandness that I’ve also found with Marie Lu and Ally Condie’s writing, and I don’t know… I just haven’t felt like picking it up lately.

Glitches by Marissa Meyer: SO MANY NOVELLAS, AND NOT ENOUGH TIME. That should be my life motto. But seriously, I know there’s already two novellas in The Lunar Chronicles series, and there’s another whole collection coming soon *squeals*. How does Marissa Meyer write such magic so quickly? She is the queen of sci-fi retellings… which is admittedly not a very large genre, but I bet it will be soon because of her legendary series!

Winger by Andrew A. Smith: I literally have no idea what this book is about. I haven’t taken one look at the synopsis. I only know that every single booktuber I watch has loooooved this contemporary duology, and I must read NOW. “B is for Bookie, that’s good enough for me, OH, B is for Bookie, that’s good enough for me!” *hehe we will make this the song of 2016*

 This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer L. Armentrout: OK, I’ve read a Jennifer L. Armentrout book before, and I didn’t love it, and I didn’t hate it. It was definitely a very ‘meh’ book with an unsatisfying ending. But I believe in second chances, and I’m willing to let Jennifer develop her writing style and make a brilliant contemporary series that will blow my mind away. However, could she please change up her cover designs for a completely different series? Geez.


Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern: COVER. PREEEEETTTTTTTYY. I haven’t seen such an adorable cover since Eleanor and Park. I have a vague idea that this is about two people who meet through a mistaken email, and never meet, or something like that… But I could be completely wrong. I blame Moffat.

Wake by Lisa McMann: Miss Christine over at PolandBananasBOOKS was freaked out and excited by this series, until at least book three, so as I blindly follow her recommendations, I of course had to add this. IT SOUNDS SO COOL THOUGH. People can get caught in other’s dreams and nightmares, and change them, and all sorts of stuff like that?! Where is it, I must read.

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson: I loved Since You’ve Been Gone, which was Morgan Matson’s latest release, so I reallly want to read this *very sad* contemporary by her. A teen’s dad is going to die, and something happens to them… That’s all I know! But I haven’t ugly cried because of a book for a WHILE, and it’s always weird but nice to have your emotions warped by good writing.

The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson: According to Saasha at ABookUtopia and many others, this book allegedly has one of the biggest plot twist of all time. How can I pass up a challenge like that?! I will figure out the twist before it comes, I promise you.

Asylum by Madeliene Roux: I’m not a creepy/horror/thriller kind of person. I get very easily spooked, and I just don’t find the feeling of being scared all that pleasant. But ever since reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, I have really started liking YA horror, and I figure, why not start with this rather popular series? Again, with no knowledge about the plot. Because I like blindly plodding into books. *hehe but seriously, what am I doing with my life*


So, we have officially stalked through and through! How did that make you feel? I feel frustrated that I haven’t read enough of these books. DAMN SCHOOL AND MY SOCIAL LIFE, GIVE ME A ROOM FULL OF BOOKS AND A COZY ARMCHAIR AND I WILL NOT MOVE FOR THE NEXT SEVEN YEARS OF MY LIFE.

let's chat

Are any of these books on your TBR? Have you read any of them? Did you enjoy them? And do you read synopsis’s before you pick up a book, or do you not bother? Because sometimes a synopsis is helpful to me, but sometimes I just want to dive headfirst into an unknown plot. Tell me I’m not crazy for doing that. I mean, I know I’m already slightly insane, but hopefully not that much. *softly sharpens knife and creeps into your room*


  1. Say What You Will and The Kiss of Deception are both great reads, so I hope you end up enjoying them as much as I did! Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. All of the TLC novellas already out will be published in stars above. 4 previously published and 5 new unpublished. Just an FYI


    • “I somehow got the entire trilogy… I guess I liked it…?” Hehe not trying to make fun, that sentence just seemed silly to me. Believe me, today I said “Butterflies can be black.” #randomcommentswithgrace. I’m definitely going to give it a try.


  3. I can definitely recommend WINGER, I had so much fun with this book because the characters are really great and I also liked all these little drawing and charts a lot. I haven’t read STAND-OFF yet but it’s already waiting for me on my TBR pile and I’m very excited about it.

    I’ve read ASYLUM on Halloween 2013 I think and have to admit that I found it quite terrible but I always struggle a bit with YA horror because often it’s just not creepy enough for me ^^

    I always read the synopsis of a book when I first hear about it but never read it right before starting it because I’m always quite glad when I’ve forgotten what the blurb was about so that I can dive into the book more or less blindly 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, that’s great that you enjoyed Winger! Can you liken it to any other authors/books that you’ve read? Just so I can get some kind of comparison? That would be amazing.

      I’m glad Asylum isn’t TOO scary. I definitely will check it out, now that I know it’s not the freakiest. And that’s almost exactly what I do with blurbs too! If I’ve read it before picking up the book. 🙂


      • I’m having a hard time comparing it to other authors/books right now because I usually don’t read YA contemporaries 😀

        I would say it’s a rather typical boarding school story but with a funny and a bit awkward MC and there are some really hilarious anecdotes in the book 😀

        It’s mostly a lot of fun to read but can also get very emotional sometimes 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I read the Uglies series when it first came out and had forgotten it completely so I tried to reread it again last year… but I stopped after Pretties. Like you said, it was a nice concept, but a little bland. Pretties did end up being a little better than Uglies though. I’ll probably pick the series back up at some point just to see how it all ends.

    I think plenty of people like diving blindly into books though, so nah, you’re not *that* crazy 😛 I’m just not one of those people lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehehe you have not done much to support me. 🙂 I’ll definitely pick up Pretties if it was better than Uglies… Have you read Matched by Ally Condie? The writing style is just so similar, and I’m kind of tired of it.


  5. Hi! I felt exactly the same way when I finished the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series. Night of Cake and Puppets is adorable and helps a little bit with the pain but I miss the world a lot! I can’t wait for her new series this year. I love the sound of The Kiss of Deception and Asylum. I’m adding them to my TBR right now lol .

    Great List
    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune


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